How to increase thickness of penis

Note that this is not an easy task. This is harder than penis enlargement. Those who have experienced the effect of the different fast remedies for thickening penis — gel, pastes, oils — to-face with serious consequences. It can also be a loss of the ability to have an erection. But you still want to improve the status of the manhood much. Therefore, arm yourself with useful information that safer to increase the thickness of the penis.

Drug correction

how to increase the thickness of the member

Today, micro-surgical and surgical techniques, with the aim to transfer tissues to other parts of the body a man's body, them under the skin of the penis. One version of such an operation — a complex of fatty tissue in the gluteal-fold. So you can increase the diameter of a maximum of two centimeters.

The surgeon tissue areas under the skin of the penis throughout its length. This is a packaging. Place, a fence made of leather sewn with a so that they are almost invisible. Seam overlaps intradermally. Thus, the thickening is achieved, adding to the body, the skin, the other part of the body. If the patient wants to increase the penis thickness is more than one centimeter, the surgeon uses a different version of the intervention. This is a micro-surgical thickening method of transferring muscle tissue. Operation as the previous one, is much harder. For long, the recovery period after a hard. But the more complicated the task, the harder it is to achieve.

Therefore, the decision is taken to such flights, carefully to think about, to take into account the complexity, high cost, the duration of the recovery period. It is necessary to take into account the possible complications after the surgery. Because nature doesn't like the penetration, and such a sensitive area. Sometimes as a result of such correction of the penis may appear this type of. Most of the complications of injury, infection, bleeding, prolonged swelling of the penis. Possible temporary or permanent reduction of sensitivity of a balan a, the occurrence of pain during erection.